25 de diciembre de 2014

Nordschleife 24 Hour Nurburgring (Test version)

DJC y Tosch han lanzado una primera versión de prueba del circuito de las 24h de Nürburgring-Nordschleife. Por el momento se trata de un componente independiente y solo incluye la versión 24h, por que si queréis seguir utilizando la versión turista, no desinstaléis Nordschleife Tourist 1.81.

Como ya nos habían anunciado, la principal novedad de esta nueva versión es la fusión entre Nordschleife Tourist y Nürburgring GP de Mianiak. Un proceso complicado pero que DJC y Tosch han completado a la perfección.

Version 1.99 Beta test release 25/12/14

24 Hour Nurburgring (Nords + GP)

DJC change log v1.81 to v1.99 
- Integrated mianiak's high detailed GP track (big thanks to him for the permission to do so). Also used his old pit building replacing the one we had. See mianiak's track thread HERE
- Positioned, trimmed and stitched it into place the best I could.
- Fixed texture files or materials that were clashing with same name between both tracks. Merged the TDF file settings.
- Improved greatly the Z-flickering problem where objects such as Ad boards would flicker in and out of the surface they are attached to. Moving objects away from each other or deleting problem objects was the only solution. The problem is greater on this track because of the size of it. The problem is still there but much improved.
- More LOD changes in order to both improve FPS and reduce pop up's where needed.
- Changes to vis-groups on GP track removing objects at lower track detail levels, so if you can not run track at full track detail level try lower settings, that should hope bring you some extra performance.
- Integrated some of Pleclairs trees to the GP track.
- Huge change to turn 1 of GP track to match that of 24 hour layout, cutting hole through tyre wall, bypassing the Mercedes Arena section.
- Changed NGK chicane to match that of 24 hour layout. This layout cars go straight on instead of turning sharp left as it was. New kerbs, white lines also a new tire stack was made.
- With the 24 hour layout you pit from the main straight not from round the back as it was. Made hole in guardrail for this.
- Made new Audi R8 pitgates at start and end of pitlane.
- Added more 24hour spectator items like Camper vans (used camper vans from Joesville track, thanks ISI).
- Added some glow in the dark stuff for night racing, light flares on GP Track etc.
- Cleaned out a lot of disused files.

Tosch change log v1.81 to v1.99
- Brand new AIW, this includes a left, right path and block path. 100+ garage and grid spaces, 40 pit boxes. Special paths also made for 370z and Clio cars.
- Extensive texture recolouring and texture replacements for GP circuit.
- Modified material settings.
- New spec maps, normal maps, alpha channels or adjustments of many objects.
- Modified race-surfaces both Nordschleife and GP track (also rescaled spec, multi and normal maps).
- Shadow casters added to both Nordschleife and GP track to fix some shadow issues with sun shinning under trees and making odd shadows.
- Reduced the height of the last of the stone kerbs on the Nords part of the track. New texture made too.
- Extensive changes to grass Nords + GP.
- New guardrail textures with grass painted at bottom.
- TDF file adjustments.
- New road side cameras for GP and Nords.

Nordschleife 24 Hour Nurburgring (Test version) v1.99

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